We are excited to share with you the newly minted GIS Alumni Mentorship Programme!

The goal of this mentorship programme is to pair alumni with sixth form students who have similar career interests, thus providing them with opportunities for practical professional exposure to equip them for their future. As a mentor, you will also provide support to a Sixth Former in their professional and personal development by sharing experiences, introducing them to networks, providing guidance on how to market their skills, and advising them on the realities of life after Secondary School.

The program is an opportunity for us, as Alumni, to deepen our social impact at our Alma Mater and to the students.  

The foundational ideology that formed this programme is the concept that a person’s first responsibility is for the needs of his own – ”Charity begins at home”.  We believe that Alumni have a responsibility to the current students at GIS to make sure they are as equipped as possible to succeed. 

If you would like to be a mentor, please click the link, fill out and submit the application form. 

Please note that only Alumni 25 years and older are eligible to apply for the time being.



The Mentorship Programme Committee.